This website, in which the theory is put forth that any line in Star Wars becomes funny if you replace one word with "pants", has become a staple of good laughter in my household. Am I a geek? Sure. Is it funny living here? Oh, yeah.
It's true. Pants are funny. For instance:
I find your lack of pants disturbing.
You are unwise to lower your pants.
Chewie and me got into a lot of pants more heavily guarded than this.
That's some good stuff.
So anyway, tonight A and I went out for a little celebration dinner, as I just found out that A was accepted to a great summer program he wants to attend. The fact that we both have three-day weekends just made it better.
We went to his favorite spot, TGIFridays. Those of you who have been there know that they have a ton of pop-culture paraphernalia on the walls, with everything from surf boards to movie posters. They also have signs, to which A decided it would be funny to apply the "pants" theory.
Menu - Everyone needs more Fridays
Becomes - Everyone needs more pants
Poster - No Fishing From Dock
Becomes - No Pantsing From Dock
(Mom, you know what it means to get pantsed, right?)
Sign - No Trespassing! Destroying of trees and shrubs prohibited.
Becomes - No Trespassing! Destroying of pants and shrubs prohibited
It is as this point that the funniest word in the world hit me.
You guessed it.
A thought all of his ideas must have been the most hilarious ever, because I was laughing until my sides hurt. Quietly, of course, so as not to disturb our esteemed neighbors, but all I could think of was how funny it is to not allow trespantsing.
Violators will, of course, be pantsed.