Friday, June 6, 2008
And on a much more humorous note...
I have a little boy who wants to take me out on a date.
No, not my A.
A 19 year-old who thinks I'm "kinda hot, in an experienced kind of way."
I'm not sure if I should slap him or send him home to his mommy to be spanked and sequestered to his room full of action figures.
What kind of 19 year-old wants to go out with a 35 year-old who is...well....technically old enough to be his mom? I'm grossed out on so many levels.
Where do these people come from?!
No, not my A.
A 19 year-old who thinks I'm "kinda hot, in an experienced kind of way."
I'm not sure if I should slap him or send him home to his mommy to be spanked and sequestered to his room full of action figures.
What kind of 19 year-old wants to go out with a 35 year-old who is...well....technically old enough to be his mom? I'm grossed out on so many levels.
Where do these people come from?!
If I was 19 and single, I would hit on you.
Really, doing something about it would be gross. But be flattered about the attention.
You're just saying that because when you were 19 and single, you DID hit on me!
Thank God we both decided better of that. You'd have killed me long ago, I think. Like when we were 20.
Point taken. We were a lousy couple. But I still think fondly of it in retrospect.
Sometimes I wish we could have skipped that part and gone straight to being friends. That part has worked out well. But I think in a weird way, we wouldn't be good friends if not for that rocky start.
Why even think about it? It was (gasp) FIFTEEN YEARS AGO.
Ugh. All's well that ends well.
Still, if a 19 year-old girl was in any way attracted to me, I think I would be flattered. Maybe a little wierded out, but still happy in a strange way that my milkshake can still bring the girls to the yard.
(Insert disclosure about being happily married)
I wouldn't change anything. I've learned from it all - some easily, and some with difficulty.
Each piece has its import.
But gah.....fifteen years?
We met 17 years ago this pardon me while I go cry about how old we are.
I give him props for trying. A guy can dream, right?