Sunday, January 24, 2010
It's that time again...
I do believe it's time for another edition of What Have we Learned?
- Life happens every day, whether or not you're watching. Death ensures that you watch.
- Cute shoes and handbags are worth it, every time.
- Be grateful if your thirteen year-old has little interest in Facebook. Also, be warned if you log into his account when he's not home - seeing nineteen friend invitations from girls who look twenty can be quite disconcerting.
- Salsa dancing is way super fun, even if you are convinced that you're the most uncoordinated person on the planet. Sometimes you can surprise yourself if you are encouraged to push beyond your comfort zone.
- If someone invents nail polish that dries completely in ten minutes or less, they can become the richest person in the world. I will personally see to it that this happens.
- Thirty-something is a lot less angsty than twenty-something. That still doesn't make forty-something sound any more appealing.
- It's important to visit your grandpa. Excuses will only sound lame later.
- I am fun, damn it.
- Hot Single Guy Night at the Grocery Store does not exist at Super Wal-Mart.
- I still can't shop at Aldi. Sorry.
- It's important to have Hope for the Flowers.
- Sometimes you need to try harder. Other times, you need to not try so hard. Figuring out which situation is which is the hard part.
- Keep moving forward. Sometimes, that means leaving people behind. Other times, it means carrying them with you. And every now and then, it means letting yourself be carried.
- My generally quiet life is very good for me.
- Charlie the Unicorn will always be funny, and Starfish will always love you.
- Yes, I have Europe's "The Final Countdown" on vinyl. Yes, I realize this makes me old. But it also makes me awesome.
- A has been waiting his entire life to be told, "I am not at liberty to divulge that information," by a government employee. You never know what sort of odd little dreams your kids may have.
- Spring will always come back eventually.
- Men are a lot more fun to have around when you've figured out that you don't really need them to be happy.
- Patience really is a virtue.